Currently browsing: Solar Energy

Energy battery storage system insurance

Energy storage is key to achieving a sustainable energy transition and REIB offers a good insurance solution for it

Central Eastern Europe is moving towards sustainable development and stronger energy security. The importance of the renewable energy sector is growing fast. The region has achieved breakthroughs in green energy supply over the past year with unprecedented growth in installed capacity. Investing in energy storage solutions is a logical next step. Various energy storage technologies […]

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REIB secures EUR 3 million in damages for solar power plant owner in four months

Overview: Extreme weather events like flooding, high winds, hail, wildfires, and lightning can damage photovoltaic installations. They often result in long-term performance and financial losses. Considering the proliferation of extreme weather events in the past few years, cases like these are only likely to become more common – and renewable energy producers should be ready […]

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соларен добив

Гарантирай соларния добив

REIB застрахова прогнозното производство в най-горещата инвестиционна сфера у нас Над 10 млрд. евро. На толкова възлизат инвестициите, които частни компании официално са заявили да направят в сектора на възобновяемите енергийни източници в България. Високата цена на електроенергията, която се повиши в пъти от август миналата година, и изгодната стойност на соларните панели правят вложението […]

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Solar panels - sun king

IEA: Solar the ‘brand-new king’ of power, will certainly exceed for decades to find

Solar is the “brand-new king” of electrical power, the International Energy Agency has claimed, with the asset course set to release more brand-new capability after that any other innovation each year for the coming decades.

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